This is the weekly distance report for our Strava Club members, ending 22nd of October. Everyone is doing so well in their runs keep it up. This is in distance order
Tracy 64.8 km
Jayde 49.9 km
Shelley 56.9 km
Cindy 32.6 km
Arlene 31.5 km
Michelle 8.0 km
Hamish 28.3 km
Steven 26.7 km
Marty 25.5 km
Gautam 20.0 km
Owen 18.2 km
Susie 15.6 km
Raj 15.3 km
Michael 13.2 km
David 12.7 km
Sean 12.2 km
Kishor 11.8 km
Margaret 6.0 km
Luke 5.0 km
Shadab 5.0 km
Blaise 4.9 km
Hsien 4.3 km